Grimpo's Diary

September 18th, 2024

welp, i was actually supposed to update this as frequently as possible but it's been nearly a whole month since i wrote in here lol. i have a better schedule for school now and i have been pacing myself more effeciently (at least, i think so, anyways). as you can see i'm still updating the site, just at a more reasonable pace and i'm not losing THAT much sleep over it anymore.

side note, this site hit 1k views! that's really cool and kinda crazy and scary! i hope people like my website! i might make a backlog of the old themes i made just for any newcomers to see my progress over these past months and for myself, so i can see how far i've come in my improvements.

i really should've prewritten this particular article... oh well!

anyway, have a nice day everyone!

August 29th, 2024

i've just been struggling with highschool. idk, i've just been feeling pretty dysfunctional these past few days. the only thing i'm really focused on right now is this website, which isnt really a priortity right now... it isn't even close to being finished so idk why i am hyperfixating on it either lol. i'll try a few more things and limiting my time on social media (which probably includes neocities as well...) so hopefully i'll be more productive once i get back on track.

August 29th, 2024

finally finished making this page~ here's the other things i need to do:

  • link to this page on the index page.
  • neaten index navigation.
  • rework the entire index page (i don't like how it looks now, it's ugly.)
  • rework "Kraken's Den" or get rid of it completely and add the stamps, buttons and blinkies from there to somewhere else.
  • make a "table of contents" for this page.

  • that's all i've got on my mind right now, anyways.

    Looks Like You've Reached The End!

    (c) website made by grimpo